Guest Editor:
Dr. Matjaž Kuntner
Department of Organisms and
Ecosystems Research, National
Institute of Biology, 1000
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Message from the Guest Editor
This volume aims to contribute to advancing or reviewing phylogenomic, biogeographic, and evolutionary research trends in arachnid research. We welcome your original research papers, perspectives, and reviews with a focus on any arachnid order, on any evolutionary topic, from any region of the globe. Taxonomic papers are welcome, as long as they advance our understanding of arachnid evolution, biogeography, or phylogenetic systematics.
I am looking forward to your submissions.
Deadline for manuscript
1 October 2021
Prof. Dr. Michael Wink
Institute of Pharmacy and
Molecular Biotechnology,
Heidelberg University, Im
Neuenheimer Feld 364, D-69120
Heidelberg, Germany
Message from the Editor-in-Chief
Diversity (ISSN 1424-2818) is a scholarly journal that covers all areas of diversity research. Our distinguished editorial board and refereeing process ensures the highest degree of scientific rigor for publishing. Original research articles and timely reviews are released online, with unlimited free access.
We invite papers and reviews on multidisciplinary topics of diversity that bridge organismic diversity (systematics, biodiversity, phylogeny, population genetics, and evolution) and molecular diversity (phytochemistry and biophysics).
Author Benefits
Open Access:—free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions.
High Visibility: Covered in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) in Web of Science, as well as in BIOSIS Previews, Scopus and other databases.
CiteScore 2019 (Scopus data): 1.7, which equals rank 34/75 (Q2) in the category 'Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)', 196/370 (Q2) in 'Ecology', 23/31 (Q3) in 'Ecological Modelling' and 82/160 (Q2) in 'Nature and Landscape Conservation'.
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